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Settings | SteamVR

These are the settings for getting your iRacing-TV overlays into your VR headset! This only works when using SteamVR (also known as OpenVR). This will not work with OpenXR or any other VR systems.


When this checkbox is ticked, the iRacing-TV Overlay app will create a SteamVR overlay and start drawing on it. The iRacing-TV Overlay desktop app window will look frozen. In a future update, I will fix this so that the iRacing-TV Overlay desktop app window becomes hidden.

To turn of the SteamVR overlay and go back to drawing on the transparent desktop app window, just untick this box.


This will be a list of controllers that you currently have connected to your computer. Select a controller from this list, to use that controller to update the next three settings below. The reason for using a controller is that with your VR headset on, it would be difficult to make changes to these settings using this window.

With the controller, press the primary button (usually button 1 or button A) to toggle between the different settings. Then use the primary axis (usually the right thumbstick) to change the values of that setting.


This is the width of the SteamVR overlay, in meters.


This is the position of the SteamVR overlay, in world coordinates relative to the origin, which is usually the center of the seated or standing position.


This is the amount of curvature you want the SteamVR overlay to have. Zero means a completely flat overlay with no curve.

For the first minute of the video below, you can see me demonstrating how to adjust these parameters using a controller.

settings/steamvr.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/05 14:37 by marvin